Since the late 90's I have Received certrificates in Photography, Web Technology and Multimedia and now I am working towards Certification in the Digital Arts Program.
BusinessVideoLive is the parent company of Gregory Videography who has been in the business since 1998 and became Certified with The American Guild of Court Videographers in 1999. Gregory Videography videotaped: Depositions, Product Demonstrations, Meetings-Seminars, Day_in_the_Life, School Events/Plays and businesses.
Gregory Stenotype Service Company family business started in the late 60's and became one of the largest vendors, distributors and service centers of Stenotype (court reporting machines) nationwide. All four of the Gregory's family became factory trained or certifed to repair steno machines. Sheila became the first female Authorized Service Provider to repair stenotype machines nationwide.
The Gregory Family designed and developed patents for the court reporting industry and developed backrests, cooling pad for the lap-top computer, big-shot markers, steno fans, and steno-view etc. Sheila had two design patents; A Container-Insert, used inside a Wheelie Case to carry all the court reporting equipment, accessories and developed chairs.
In the late 60's Sheila went to Court Reporting School and later received her credential for stenotype Theory from Herman Milliler Stenotype School. In the 70 and 80's Gregory help institute court reporting classes in the junior colleges and ROP. The Gregory's open a Firm called Stenotype Operators employing court reporters and non-CSR's to do depositions, business meetings and conventions.
Gregory's started one of the first Word Processing Companies in Orange County called Orange County Word Processing Inc., serving individuals and businessess.